Apr 22, 2012

Muslim Heritage In America

During Barack Obama's speech in Cairo, Egypt in 2009, he talked of what he referred to as the "rich Muslim heritage in America" , and he said: "....I know that Islam has always been a part of America's story...."

Among the many reactions to that Obama speech was AN AMERICAN CITIZEN'S RESPONSE -- an "open letter" below.

Dear Mr. Obama:

Were there Muslims when the Pilgrims first landed in America?

Were there Muslims who celebrated the first Thanksgiving day?

Is there one Muslim signature on the United States Constitution? The American Declaration of Independence? The U.S. Bill of Rights?

Did Muslims fight for this country's freedom from England?

Did Muslims fight during the Civil War?

Did Muslims support freeing the slaves in America after Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation?

Aren't Muslims to this day still among the largest traffickers in human slavery? And isn't your own half-brother himself, a devout Muslim, an advocate of slavery? Don't Arab Muslims also refer to black Muslims as "pug-nosed slaves"?

Where were Muslims during this country's fight for Women's Rights and Women's Suffrage?

Where were Muslims when America fought during World War II? Isn't it true that the Muslim grand mufti met with Adolf Hitler and supported the Nazis' killing of [6 million] Jews?

Where were Muslims during the American Civil Rights movement? Were there Muslims who marched with Martin Luther King, Jr. and the other civil rights supporters?

The TRUTH is: there were NO Muslims who actively participated in any of the above!

Finally, Mr. Obama, where were Muslims on September 11, 2001?

Isn't it a proven FACT that on September 11, 2001, the men who flew the hijacked American planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and over a field in Pennsylvania were all Muslims, and their collective act of terrorism killed several thousands of innocent and unsuspecting victims on American soil, while the Muslims in the Middle East rejoiced? No one can dispute the pictures shown worldwide on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and other television networks of the Muslim world celebrating the success of the terrorist plot that day! Strangely, the Arab/Muslim rulers whose asses you bent to kiss during your trip to the Middle East in 2009 were stone cold silent post 9/11. To many Americans, their silence meant that they approved of the heinous acts of that fateful day.

And to that terrible Muslim act of September 11, 2001, now you can also add November 5, 2009. Remember the day American soldiers were gunned down in Fort Hood, Texas by a Muslim -- an U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, who was supposed to have been counseling and bolstering soldiers returning from battle in Iraq and Afghanistan?

So, Mr. Obama, the Muslim act(s) of September 9, 2001 and of November 5, 2009 are so far the sum total of what you referred to as the "Muslim heritage in America".

As for your so-called "Muslim heritage in America"? My ass!

Author Unknown

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